Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I must remind myself to:

....and not get caught up in the monotony and insignificance in everyday tasks.  Nothing is insignificant. 

I just love this:

These are Brown Butter, Bacon, and Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Wow....this sounds very good, but it seems like they need to fit in Lipitor somewhere in the name.

One thing I have discovered this past year is Macarons.  After a Saturday morning run with a couple of my running buddies, they took me to a wonderful famer's market in Houston called T'Afia.  This is where I found Maisson Burdiso, who makes these macarons that just melt in your mouth......what a great post-run treat!  I tried the flavors Pistachio and Toasted Marshmallow...yum!  I will definitely make a point to visit T'Afia more often after my early Saturday morning runs.   I would love to try a Hot Chocolate and Marshmallow Macaron like the one below I found on Pinterest:

Can you believe that this is tape?  There are so many things you can do with this....

ooo...I like the shirt, the skirt, shoes...

Maldives.....I'd like to go here.

I really like this by Sigur Ros...great band......and you don't really have to understand the words to feel the music....

..and another by Sigur Ros.

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