Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Coffee day.

It has been a coffee day today....literally.  Yes, 'spilled coffee on your clothes' type of day....twice..both times in the car....and all before 8:30am.  I either blame my clumsiness, or the fact that the coffee didn't quite kick in soon enough. Apparently, this was a little too meaningful for me today:

Source: google.com via on Pinterest

The first spill required me to turn the car around to go back and change.  The second time was "let's attempt to cover this huge stain along the side of my scrub pants with my short white med student coat that doesn't go past my hips".  Honestly, I was very annoyed the second time it happened, but after thinking about it I decided that all I could do is laugh, so I did!  Moral of the story?  Don't drink coffee and drive...or, well.....opportunities to get a good laugh in for the day are numerous, especially if you are as clumsy as me. Speaking of laughing, well.......

Some interesting info about caffeine and coffee:

Source: lolsnaps.com via on Pinterest

This is my dream breakfast.  These pop-tarts are topped with a coffee-spiked glaze.  And these are not just ordinary pop-tarts.  They are Nutella pop-tarts. Oh boy is that dangerous!

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