Sunday, March 6, 2011


As I continue to study for my board exam, I wonder...why is it, that when my mind needs to express its feelings and creativity the most, it's the most difficult to do so? Here I am...typing this blog....wondering what I have to say. My mind is numb. I need some sort of release, but I have it right very own blog! I'm thinking..

Ok, here is my attempt. After browsing on Pinterest, I came across some beautiful places I would like to visit one day...and also, spaces I would dream to have. After all, one can always dream.

I came across this quote recently, and I think it really puts the purpose of this post into perspective:

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Butchart Gardens, Vancouver. Look at the color!

I'm not sure where this is, but I would like to live here...even if just for a little while.

This studio is perfect!

no words...

I would go to France just for this.....and I will secretly pull out the soft part of the inside of the bread (I will never be too old for that!).

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