Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Forward Momentum


So true. Often times, we have burdens in our life that keep us stagnant...whether it be thoughts, negative emotions, or worry.  This is a waste of time and keeps us from truly living.  What good does it do to look back other than to use some necessary components of the past as 'tools' for the present?

And this will allow enjoyment of the present  :)

The quote below just about sums this up...

Life is too short to look back....why look back when:

It is, however, easy to say all of the above. It takes lots of courage to move forward when things go wrong.

But...I have to say that I am blessed to have friends and family in my life that live this and encourage this on a daily basis...I will always strive to keep them a part of my life.


Adventures to look 'forward' to....because I am striving and determined to have 'forward' momentum...

1.  My new Radiology career...learning tons every day....having a lighter work schedule than intern year...  And, having the time to actually study :)

2. Having more time to spend with my family and friends.

3.  weekend trips with my the next month, we will be
                       - camping on the Oregon Coast, and

                      - going to Vegas

4. Spending early Saturday mornings running with my running buddies.
Source: via Sonja on Pinterest

Can you tell that I love (perhaps even have a slight addiction to..) Pinterest??  If you haven't already noticed, most of my pictures are imported from Pinterest.

I am going to decide that my creative theme of the day on Pinterest is photography...below is some art/photography that has a special meaning to me....

aah, Venice...need I say more? (one of my favorite places in Italy and I would love to go back)

This is so beautiful.

Balance is one of the keys of life - as time goes on, the more and more I realize this..

Balance can often be shown in one of my favorite photos/captions...we are given gifts in life that are meant to be shared with one gives me chills every time I see/read it....

"This article details the first week of life of a set of twins. Apparently each were in their respective incubators and one was not expected to live. A hospital nurse fought against the hospital rules and placed the babies in one incubator. When they were placed together, the healthier of the two, threw an arm over her sister in an endearing embrace".......


I hope you all have a wonderful evening.  Until next blog...

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